Christian Maasem

Partner Detecon

Christian Maasem is Managing Partner and responsible for Hyperconnectivity. His focus is on creating innovative and connected eco system solutions for industrial digitization use case.

Following the modular principle, he incorporates experience from knowledge of different technology areas: IoT, 5G, Edge Cloud, Big Data, AI, and Automation.

After studying physics and economics, he headed the Information Technology Management group and the InnovationLabs at the FIR at RWTH Aachen University.
In 2016, he founded and led the Center Connected Industry at the RWTH Aachen Campus as Centre Director.
In 2018, he was appointed managing director of the Enterprise Integration Centre Aachen GmbH. In the course of his activities, he was responsible for a large number of innovation, research and consulting projects in digitalisation with a focus on Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT, Automotive, Future Logistics, eMobility, Smart Grid, Health and Smart City.

Detecon Christian Massem Portrait

Hyperconnectivity doesn’t translate to 6G, but 6G networks will provide a level of maturity that allow for the potential of hyperconnectivity to unfold.

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